Ben Busby | Projects, writeups, ideas, announcements, other random junk

Now Streaming on Twitch

UPDATE: I’m no longer streaming every Wednesday, but rather whenever I have time. I’ll try to do at least once per week, but I can’t promise anything. If you’re reading this and are interested in the streams, reach out via email to let me know what time would be a good time for you to tune in. The engagement on my streams was pretty low for the first month, and I’ve recently taken on some big (paid, not open source) projects that consume a lot more of my time, so I need to be more strict with how I’m allocating time each week.


As a few people have noticed (without any announcement, kinda sus…) I’m now live streaming open source development every Wednesday at 4PM ET / 1PM PT.

I don’t plan the stream out beforehand – the main point of these streams is mainly for anyone to have a chance to talk with me or ask questions about projects/ideas in real time. I get a fair number of emails and issue comments on GitHub, and while I do enjoy correspondence with anyone and everyone, I often am extremely scatterbrained and forget to respond. Rather than trying to get better about organizing my thoughts, the easier solution seemed to be scheduling an hour+ of my day to live streaming and dedicate that time to responding to people.

Just to clarify, I’m not implying that this is the only way to get in touch with me. You can still email me or ask questions on GitHub, but I would prefer talking in real time during the stream if you can make it. It also helps me connect a bit more with people who use my projects, rather than feeling like I’m just making things for a faceless crowd.

Hope to see you there! –

Questions? Comments? Reach out!
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